Friday, September 17, 2010

WK 10 Robert Kearns

What I thought about Robert Kearns and the legal issue with FORD and Chrysler. Well, it was wrong what FORD Company did, stealing his own invention that he created. Robert Kearns was a father of six kids; he has a degree in engineering. He was an intelligent man that decides to come up with an invention of wipers. I guess he wanted to do is to help the people like us. Robert Kearns seems like a good man, he wanted to do something in his life instead of teaching in a university.

As the years past, Kearns life has been an obstacle. He didn’t have his wife nor kids, he was battling a huge legal issue with FORD. I don’t blame him; he has the rights to sue that company for stealing his invention. It seems like that company of FORD and Chrysler couldn’t find out how to make a wiper to set a certain speed on the car. Don’t these companies have the smartest engineer staff on board, but it seems like they don’t. One thing Robert Kearns did not know was protecting his invention. He didn’t learn about “patent”. Until, FORD back down on the deal.

Well, I guess the case took a decade. But at the end, Robert Kearns won the case for FORD and got ten point one million dollars with an agreement of no further appeals. Then, the case about Chrysler, the company was ordered to pay Kearns eighteen point seven million with interest. WOW that is a lot of money that he is getting. That case with Chrysler, was decline with the Supreme Court, I’m guessing the court did not want to hear about it. So at the end Robert Kearns received approximately thirty million dollars in compensation for Chrysler’s patent infringement.

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